Employee working on his computer surrounded by data graphs.

Benefits of an Applicant Tracking System.

With more and more competition among recruiters for top talent, they are forced to use new recruitment strategies. The increasing pressure to attract the best candidates and the rising shortage of such talent have facilitated an inclination towards applicant tracking systems. These software help recruiters get hold of elusive talent and also reduce their workload. Investing in an efficient applicant tracking system can have a lot of comprehensive benefits for your business.

Here’s a list of substantial benefits of using an applicant tracking system to make the process more efficient and cut down the administrative burden.

1. Employer and Employee Flexibility


Applicant tracking systems not only help recruiters automate and speed up the hiring process but also increase the quality of the application experience for candidates. An ATS provides the candidates an opportunity to apply from social media platforms directly. They can share their resumes with the recruiter without even going to a company’s career page. They can also fill their application forms quickly from a mobile device. The software also provides options to customize the application process, which eventually makes the process more efficient and easy-to-use, both for recruiters as well as the candidates. It can also send acknowledgment emails or notifications instantly so that applicants don’t have to wait to know the status of their application.

2. Shorter Hiring Time


An applicant tracking system can significantly reduce the time taken for hiring by automating everything. Starting from posting jobs and sending emails to parsing resumes and screening them. This not only helps reduce the manual workload but also improve the hiring process. According to research, almost 86% of recruiters say that using an ATS has helped them hire faster.

The amount of exposure from a single job board is too less when it comes to grabbing the attention of talented candidates. Also, there is a vast number of job boards that are popular and have massive individual pools of talent within them. So, to get better visibility on the job opening, recruiters need to post one job to multiple job boards, helping recruiters get more relevant job applications. With automated recruitment using an Applicant Tracking System, recruiters can now post their job openings on various job boards, all in one go. As all job applications and resumes directly come to the ATS, you don’t have to worry about the emails.

3. Cost-Efficient


Automation of a complicated and time-consuming recruitment process using an ATS also helps recruiters reduce the cost of hiring each candidate. Since time is money, an ATS helps companies in saving a lot of their productive time, which is taken up by tedious manual tasks. The use of an ATS makes the recruitment process more productive on one hand while reducing the cost on the other. Research shows that using an ATS can increase productivity by almost 40%.

4. Better Candidates


Results from various researches show that 79% of the companies who are using an ATS have been able to improve the quality of the candidates they hire dramatically.

It can get tough for recruiters as top choice candidates are on the market only for two weeks and off the market for two whole years. An ATS can help recruitment teams get a hold of the top candidates before a competitor snatches them. Automation of communication with the candidate at every stage using an ATS helps recruiters create attraction and engagement with candidates as well as improve the experience for them. Providing a positive experience to the candidate will increase the candidate conversion rate, will encourage them to apply again in the future and bring in more referrals as well.

5. Faster and Efficient Decision Making


With an ATS, you can take faster and more efficient decisions, thanks to the automation of the entire recruitment process. You will now be able to receive notifications whenever a new resume is added. You can then review it, score it and move it along the process. The software mines all the resumes available and presents the candidate data in an organized way, simplifying comparisons and making the process faster.

6. Collaboration


Applicant tracking systems help facilitate real-time collaborations within the recruiting team and also provide the recruiter with the option to add tags to a candidate profile for better categorization. The tagged profiles are then added to the favorites list in the ATS for an easy decision making that is faster. An ATS helps recruiters make better hiring decisions by centralizing all candidate information in a single, easy-to-access database.

7. Mobile Functionality


More than 70% of job seekers today are looking for opportunities either on mobile apps or social media platforms. So, using an ATS that is mobile responsive, provides access to the pool of talented professionals who are looking for a change proactively. It also gives recruiters the option to keep track of the performance of every source. This monitoring helps them materialize these sourcing strategies for maximum conversion of candidates.

8. Auto Generates Real-time Reports


An applicant tracking system sorts all the critical data to create customized reports, enabling hiring managers to monitor the performance of the hiring process. It can track how effective a job posting is, monitor how efficient social media platforms are, which job board is working, how productive a recruiter is, and make sure that the process is compliant. It provides all the useful data needed to optimize current procedures and processes. The entire process enables companies to get maximum returns on the enormous amount of money and time they spend.

These benefits are significant for an organization’s long-term success. Revamping your recruitment approach with Vultus Recruit’s free trial helps you test all of these benefits free of charge! Sign up now.

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