Recruiter looking at candidate profiles.

6 Effective Recruitment Strategies to Hire Top Candidates

The current pool of talent has great potential, and if tapped the right way, it can help your company grow. However, your recruitment technique needs precision to attract the right candidates and ensure quality hires. Your recruiting strategies for hiring great employees must be capable of identifying, engaging, and onboarding the best candidates for open positions. 


Remember that your target candidates are innovative, aware, tech-savvy, and confident millennials. So, as a recruiter, you need to keep pace with their ever-evolving requirements. 


This proven candidate sourcing and recruitment methods will ensure that you attract, engage, and hire the best employees.

Campus Placements

Campus recruiting is one of the most effective ways to discover top talents for your company. Colleges are full of dynamic personalities with diverse skills and expertise; here, each candidate shows unmatched commitment and enthusiasm for their work. So, tap into their potential by collaborating with universities and colleges for campus placements. Moreover, it gives your organization much-needed exposure among the young generation. You can place an ad in the campus newspaper or journal, conduct workshops to introduce your company, sponsor cultural events, or be a part of their job fairs to gain visibility for your organization.

Video Interviews

Video interviews have now become a necessity as most candidates live in different parts of the country. You can’t expect applicants to travel from one city to another for the screening process. The evolving technology of video interviews eliminates geographical barriers and allows you to pick the right talent from across the country. You can use video screening software with advanced features that enable candidates to submit their cover letters, CVs, and tests online. Make sure the platform delivers high-quality images and videos for a seamless experience.

Social Media Hiring

With a growing number of social media users, targeting millennials and hiring through these platforms have become increasingly popular among companies. However, you need to be socially active across multiple platforms to make the most of social media recruiting, be it communicating with potential candidates, advertising jobs, or finding the right talents. Hire an HR team to search and interact with applicants and efficiently encourage them to apply to your company. Also, it must be able to build a powerful reputation for your organization on social media. Ensure your social media presence lines up with your company’s values and brand.

Employee Referral Program

To hire top candidates, why not rely on the employees that already work for you? Many companies use employee referral programs to harness their teams’ industry contacts. This tactic encourages existing employees to refer qualified candidates for the open positions and vouch for their experience and skills. Employers usually offer rewards, recognition, and incentives to team members for each successful hire. This technique speeds up the screening process and allows you to reach a more diverse pool of talents that otherwise isn’t accessible.

The different stages of the recruiting process.
Impactful Job Description

You may not realize it, but your job description plays a vital role in recruitment. A well-written, informative, creative, and engaging job description can pique the interest of job seekers.


While posting a vacancy, make sure to:

  • Write an accurate and specific job title that can grab the attention of skilled applicants.
  • Start with a captivating job summary and overview to build interest among the candidates about the job role.
  • Make sure that you include all the core responsibilities, daily activities, required skills, and other essential details related to the job.
  • Highlight your company culture in a way that compels job seekers to apply instantly.
Applicant Tracking System

In this technology-driven era, the online applicant tracking system has become one of the key elements of a successful recruiting strategy. This cutting-edge software automates hiring by posting vacancies on different portals and finding the most qualified talents. It provides a wealth of information about candidates that is essential throughout the recruitment. This central platform streamlines the talent management programs by handling everything from sorting applicants to scheduling interviews. ATS funnels necessary candidate data so that recruiters can quickly screen them and pull insights from the previous hiring campaigns.

Bottom Line

Hiring the right talent means your company is in good hands, and its future is secure. However, you need effective recruitment strategies to attract top candidates. Some of the above-listed techniques may not be simple but can drive the best results. Make sure that you present your company in a way that no applicant wants to miss the opportunity to join it. Implement the right tools, stay ahead of the game, and you will find the most skilled employees who can take your company to new heights.

Author Bio:

Kelly Barcelos is a progressive digital marketing manager for Jobsoid – Applicant Tracking System. She is responsible for leading the content and social media teams at work. Her expertise and experience in the field of HR enable her to create value-driven content for her readers – both on Jobsoid’s blog and other guest blogs where she publishes content regularly.

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