Three employees gathered around the break room drinking coffee.

5 Ways Employee Self-Service Makes Life Easier at Year-End

Today, tools are taking over the manual way of handling many tasks. There is no doubt that this is one of the best things that could happen for any business. As the workforce becomes more dynamic and diverse, the HR department works round the clock to assist employees better. But all the tasks they handle can be time-consuming and tiring. Significantly, the year-end tasks can feel like endless toil. So introducing a tool such as Employee Self Service can truly change how a company functions smoothly at the year-end. An Employee Self Service tool helps your employees do their HR-related tasks independently.

In this article, let’s discuss how an Employee Self-Service tool significantly reduces the load.

5 Advantages of Using Employee Self-Service Tool in your Organization

Improves Transparency

A recent survey found that about 73% of full-time U.S. workers expect their company to provide efficient employee self-service that allows them to complete HR-related tasks on their own. With an employee self-service tool, employees can access all the essential documents, such as safety procedures, company policies, annual tax returns, insurance documents, etc., from any part of the world. ESS builds transparency with your organization as they will have access to all HR and management-related announcements. Transparency improves employees’ trust and makes them feel more valued.

Enhances Engagement

Human Resources is central to employee engagement. Your HR team has an immense impact on employee efficiency. Having an ESS for your organization helps the human resources department manage employee productivity without losing focus on their other important activities. Additionally, an ESS helps your employees engage with their timesheets, documents, and expenses submissions without looking out for your help. Thus it boosts employee experience, and your employees will never feel left out when your team is occupied with other essential work.

Improves Productivity

HR has to manage everything related to employees, such as everyday attendance tracking, leave management, employee compliance, month-end payroll, etc. With an Employee Self Service Portal, the employees can handle all these tasks by themselves, which will, in turn, save time, and effort and reduce errors.

An Employee Self Service reduces the productivity and efficiency of your HR department. Having clear information about your employee attendance and payroll stored securely in a system will make your year-end calculations much easier. Whether you plan for an appraisal or promotion, or employee recognition, this tool serves the purpose of your job effectively.

Streamlines Tasks

Automation has dramatically improved business processes; the same goes for HR-related functions. Automating HR processes will speed up tasks and reduce paperwork like never before. When you streamline your HR tasks with ESS, you will save a lot of time and effort.

Moreover, the HR department has to take care of hundreds of things every day- from employee retention to work-life balance. Reducing the job on their plate can help them focus on more aspects of their job. Also, if an employee takes more responsibility for their information, HR doesn’t have to chase them for information constantly.

Enhances Security

Information about your organization that falls into the wrong hands can become a threat. There is a multitude of reasons why you should protect your employee information discreetly. With the world becoming more digitized, why not digitize your organization. An employee Self-Service portal will protect your employee’s data online securely as the data can only be accessed by authorized personnel. Not only is information stored manually at high risk of being misused, but sorting and maintaining the information in folders or physical files is a time-consuming task for your HR department. An ESS portal is a perfect way to handle all the issues relating to storing, handling, and protecting the data.

An employee working at her desk on her laptop.
Leveraging Employee Self Service Portals – A Win-Win for HR & Employees

From HR to IT, there is room to digitize any department of your organization to drive efficiency and productivity. ESS is also one such modern tool that will reduce the burden on your HR department while saving them time and effort.

Vultus Connect’s Employee Self-Service provides companies with intuitive business and HR solutions. The tool empowers your employees with seamless access to their timesheets, document repository, and expenses submissions. Employee Self Service helps your HR teams to focus on other core HR functions while your global workforces help themselves with the self-service tool.

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